Raw Project

The Raw Project

by Ar. Amruta Bade





One Of One


I’ve perpetually been captivated by the tapestries woven by nature itself. From the exquisite intricacies of veins adorning a leaf to the mesmerizing grains etched onto a wooden canvas, I remain enthralled by the manner in which nature’s elements collaborate to craft such breathtaking beauty. This enduring fascination led to the inception of The Raw Project, my heartfelt endeavor to bring the wonders of this intricate ecosystem into the heart of my home.

It all began with a single, handcrafted bedside table, envisioned not just as a piece of furniture but as a daily source of wonder. Each morning, I wake up to this creation, in awe of nature’s boundless artistry.

Throughout my journey with The Raw Project, I’ve continued to draw inspiration from the diverse tapestry of textures that nature offers. From the sinuous patterns on seashells to the rugged, weathered surface of rocks, there is an endless reservoir of beauty waiting to be translated into functional art. This project has become a deeply personal exploration of the many textures that make up our natural world, and I find myself continuously inspired by their subtle intricacies and enduring charm.

Founder & Designer
Ar. Amruta Bade


I've perpetually been captivated by the tapestries woven by nature itself. From the exquisite intricacies of veins adorning a leaf to the mesmerizing grains etched onto a wooden canvas, I remain enthralled by the manner in which nature's elements collaborate to craft such breathtaking beauty. This enduring fascination led to the inception of The Raw Project, my heartfelt endeavor to bring the wonders of this intricate ecosystem into the heart of my home.

It all began with a single, handcrafted bedside table, envisioned not just as a piece of furniture but as a daily source of wonder. Each morning, I wake up to this creation, in awe of nature's boundless artistry.

Throughout my journey with The Raw Project, I've continued to draw inspiration from the diverse tapestry of textures that nature offers. From the sinuous patterns on seashells to the rugged, weathered surface of rocks, there is an endless reservoir of beauty waiting to be translated into functional art. This project has become a deeply personal exploration of the many textures that make up our natural world, and I find myself continuously inspired by their subtle intricacies and enduring charm.
Founder & Designer
Ar. Amruta Bade